June 14, 2009

I'd like you to meet....uhmmm...

You've got to love MS. It's like a constant game of "Who's on First?" One day, the legs aren't so good. The next day, for some reason, I can recall words (and whomp a friend in scrabble) but can't add up the scores (hmm. Perhaps did not whomp after all..) The next day, I turn to one of my best friends to introduce her to an acquaintance and forget her name so completely that I don't even have the first idea of what it is. No initial, nothing.
Fortunately, everything doesn't yet hit at once, so I can still smile with my facial muscles and pretend it doesn't matter.

Yeah, yeah, everyone says this happens with age, etc. But I'm not old. 50 is NOT old. I am but a young lass, still yearning to grow. Just not sure what grow means in this context.

Actually, I feel a bit like chickweed. I grow in all sorts of wiggly areas, trying this and that, attempting new skills like learning Spanish, following old paths like walking, but with a new angle (literally!). It's an adventure, and yet I still feel I have some power to cover the earth before the killing frost.

Life can be good, as long as I have understanding friends about me. Just don't ask me to remember your names!

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