A blog about living with MS. Why Mad Sow? In homage to Denny Crane, on the TV program Boston Legal. Every time he forgot something, he'd point to his head and say "Mad Cow." I refer to my MS, primarily a cognitive thing at present, as my Mad Sow.

March 31, 2010
Mad Sow traveling West
Think of it as the ultimate MS walk...Most of it being done sitting, true, but with the hope I can walk about to see all of those wonderful National Parks while walking is still possible.
Of course, I may be walking fine next year, it's true. If so, bonus.
If not, at least I'll have this adventure to think about...
Come travel along with me....
March 23, 2010
In praise of Wii Fit Plus

March 19, 2010
CCSVI and the terrible temptations

Ah, CCSVI. The solution to MS, the advertising-ready "Liberation procedure", the legions of fanatic followers racing all over the planet for treatment.
March 18, 2010
I'm exercising doc, honest!
Submitted by Denise Reynolds RD on 2010, March 18 - 14:53 All about:Cognitive dysfunction is a common, often scary, symptom of Multiple Sclerosis. Cognitive evaluation techniques and neurorehabilitation studies have been used to greatly improve the dysfunction. A new brain fitness software by CogniFit Inc. May help improve cognitive function and skills of multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes lesions in the brain and nervous system. It is reported that about 50% of people with MS admit to experiencing cognitive problems, such as the ability to pay attention, learn and remember information, solve problems, and use language to express ideas. Mood disorders and depression are also common which can exacerbate the cognition process. Some of the specific cognitive deficits observed in people with MS are: The independent study, published in the journal NeuroRehabilitation, found that CogniFit Personal Coach brain training software resulted in a significant improvement in 10 fundamental cognitive skills. Memory skill showed the greatest improvement, with a general increase of 21%. Visual working memory and verbal-auditory working memory improved by 20%. Other skills that showed improvement included naming speed, speed of object recall, focused attention, visuo-motor attention, and visual spatial working memory. Patients with MS can also use other techniques to help cope with cognitive dysfunction and memory loss: |
March 14, 2010
an irritant

March 3, 2010
Please play again...

It’s roll up the rim to win time at the local coffee shop (Tim Horton's) , so of course I had to step in and try my luck at the prizes. Often, in a desperate attempt to win a swanky new TV or a car, I’ve become caffeine addicted at this time, trying larger and larger cups so that I can better my odds of winning a big prize. I’ve won a few donuts, a couple of coffees, the occasional bagel.
Today when I stopped in, I was reeling - smiling from the sunny day, unexpectedly wonderful in early March, and shaken from my visit to the new MS clinic. I’d gone, my heart in my mouth, worried about what they would tell me about my illness. Had it advanced? Was I doomed to life no more exciting? Would I be expecting to slide into a wheelchair anytime soon?
Of course, they couldn’t tell me that, as life with MS is too unpredictable, but what they did tell me was world changing in its impact. The new doc thought that I probably didn’t have MS my whole past 25 years. He thought my disease was really quite benign. And that it would most likely be “an irritant, more than anything else”.
Okay, this was initially hard to take as I sat there, in pain, unable to see clearly, legs uncomfortable and sore, cane leaning against the wall (I need it for walks longer than several blocks). An Irritant? I’d say! My whole life has changed since I was diagnosed - I’ve had to leave work, sleep all the time, lost my feeling...and had leg spasms of the extreme sort.
But then, a slight glimmer of light eased in through my newly acquired Buddha-esque calm. He wasn’t saying I didn’t have MS, he wasn’t offering me an escape, but what he offered me was the first explanation I’d had of how serious this really was, FOR ME. I’d never had any feedback about this before. I thanked him, and wandered off towards my next appointment in a bit of a daze.
And then I stopped for coffee.
I chowed down on the bagel I wish I’d had for breakfast, instead of having to get up at the crack of dawn to catch the bus. I sipped my coffee and listened to the chatter around me.
And then I rolled up the rim.
It read, “Please play again”
And I thought, yes. I will.
Like the coffee, we all have the chance to win or lose with this promotion, this world. We still get the coffee, whether we win or lose, which was what we wanted in the first place. And we all have the chance to play again. For me, this sang in my heart, and I almost burst into tears in the shop - tears of gladness, because this time I didn’t win the prize that I didn’t want. This time, I was told I was free, to play again.
I’m still smiling.