I still don't get it - why is there so much numbness plus so much pain? Surely they should block one another out?
But no, here I cringe, legs repositioning every few minutes while I struggle to feel my fingers on the keys.
I do wish I understood this disease better. I wish anyone understood it better.
And thanks, CCSVI advocates for once again sending me an unnecessarily long and gruesome post to my CCSVI, the terrible temptations post. Every few months you send me one. It's tedious.It's advertising, pure and simple. Usually I delete the comments, made as they are by some mailing robot that spasms, like my legs, unexpectedly, and shoots out blather.
I've decided to allow this one because we are at the point of doing a study here in Canada that looks like it will be carefully designed enough to actually give us some answer, unlike all the observational studies done before. This study will assign patients with venous "obstructions" to control and experimental groups and do mock procedures on the controls. Everyone involved will be blinded as to who got what procedure. then, a year later, the groups will be switched, so everyone will end up with the procedure (important as it is an invasive experiment) and the same person can be evaluated throughout the experiment for effects. I don't know if they are following the procedures with physical therapy, my own personal thought about how the benefits are accrued from the procedure.
So in two years, we should have some hard research results.
Best thing is that the doc who is leading the study, while one of THOSE( neurologist) types, is also one of the most caring, considerate, and thoughtful neurologists I've happened to meet. I've worked with him on the Canadian MS registry project through CIHI and he is a good man, not given to self-aggrandizement, prone to listening to ideas, and open and easy to speak to. I'm hoping the centre in Montreal is going to be led by my other favourite neurologist, another gem of a doc. I'd mention their names but I don't want them to be swamped with people demanding care to the point they burn out. Nice neurologists are not common out there. tremendously smart and knowledgeable ones, yes, but pleasant and friendly, not so much.
Perhaps, unlike my numbness and pain, niceness and smartness don't normally occur together.
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